So expensive will be living until 2030

16.04.2019 16:20
The WORLD from 16.04.2019 | By Stephan Maaß - Business Editor The boom in the German real estate market will continue in the next few years, according to a study. More than half of the 401 districts and cities are facing rising prices. A region even threatens to crack the 11,000-euro mark. In the real estate market, minority shots are increasingly mixed into positive forecasts. Rising real estate... read more

Neues Wohnen? - Mikro-Wohnungen, Coliving und Coworking

04.02.2019 21:53
In the conurbations and the bacon belts, the supply of housing is scarce and expensive - no secret. And probably it will not get better in the next few years. Consequently, various trends developed. In the beginning it was the student apartments. This was followed by micro apartments, later serviced apartments. All the seats of the Innovation Forum at the Expo Real were occupied, there was no room at the back of the wood... read more

If only I had known then how money works - capital investment

06.12.2018 10:52
Investment in real estate Peter Kerler on the Micro-Living condominiums at the Kauferinger station How often do I hear this phrase from friends and acquaintances. "If someone had taught me 'money'!" The retirement age is approaching inexorably and the low pension, the taxation of the same and inflation cause so many a headache. And money is not a new invention. On the contrary. In our society, however, the focus i... read more

Forecast until 2030

23.11.2018 12:38
Here the real estate prices continue to rise. In some places, demand for housing is still greater than supply. Here real estate for years become more expensive. Where square meter prices could continue to rise in the coming years, a new Postbank study reveals. In more than half of German districts and cities, real estate owners can assume that their house or apartment will gain in value until at leas... read more

At the micro apartments in Kaufering topping-out ceremony is celebrated

12.11.2018 13:55
In the summer of 2019, the first tenants are to move in the plant not far from the Kauferinger station. That's how much the apartments cost. By Sarah Arzberger The shell is still near the Kauferinger station. On the scaffolding and in the rooms workers are bustling. There is a lot of activity during the day. In a few months, there will be micro homes available for collection. The future owner Peter Kerler and his busi... read more

The money is working

02.11.2018 12:30
The money goes to work - does the strategy of the big investors also work for everyone? Interview with Peter Kerler ... by Ines Bscheid (AmmerseeKurier Spezial) The journey to Landsberg opens my heart again and again, it is the Bavarian Old Town jewel on the Lech, here I linger very much and come very quickly in a pleasant relaxation. Today I meet Peter Kerler, a true Landsberger who builds an exciting pr... read more

Furnishing - a timeless, high quality challenge

03.10.2018 17:26
A table, two chairs, a bed, a cupboard ... and is the furniture of a micro-apartment ready? If only this would be so easy! It quickly became clear to us that once you start thinking about how to make the furniture perfect and sophisticated, you can begin to have profound creative processes that you want to take to stylish and tasteful heights. However, our goal goes much further than "only" to th... read more

Market trends and price developments | Metropolitan Region of Munich | Landsberg am Lech

02.10.2018 10:55
Decisions based on facts - market trends and price developments The question of where should I invest depends, among other things, on the expectations in the investment. In addition, the decision should always be based on forecasts based on sound market observations. Knowledge is the lead. In principle, statements are made by the experts of the various interest groups and also by self-appointed experts. As... read more

CORESTATE invests EUR 2.4 billion in Micro Living properties

28.09.2018 10:52
CORESTATE plans to invest a total of EUR 2.4bn in its micro-living segment until the end of 2019. CORESTATE already acquired 26 plots for development and properties with more than 7,600 apartments for students, commuters, project employees, entrepreneurs and young professionals. The current investment volume amounts to EUR 1.8bn. CORESTATE Capital Holding S.A. (CORESTATE), a fully integrated investment manager and co-investor based in Luxembourg, plans to invest a total of EUR 2.4bn in its micro-living segment unt... read more

Expert tip: micro real estate as a way out of the housing shortage

25.09.2018 16:05
"The average warm rent for an unfurnished shared apartment has risen from € 287 to € 372 per month from 2012 to 2018, an increase of just under 30 per cent. As front runner, cities like Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart and Passau prevail. [1] This, in turn, puts a heavy financial burden on students who already have low incomes anyway. Often, seekers are forced to move to a suburb and take a longer driveway or, of necessity, opt for another place of study with lower rents. The development of recent years shows that the dem... read more

Student living was yesterday, Temporary living is today

20.09.2018 15:59
The market for temporary housing is currently experiencing rapid development in Germany. In 2017, the transaction volume was over € 1.9 billion - over 12% of total residential transaction volume. Savills's analysis examines recent developments in this niche market and outlines supply and demand. Savills focuses on residential concepts in this analysis. The results in brief: • In 2017, 12% of the total residential transaction volume was spent on temporary housing • High demand means that more and more providers ar... read more

Small is the new big: micro apartments are changing the industry

19.09.2018 15:54
Micro apartments are booked most frequently, attract attractive prices and are also the most profitable for the operators due to the high real estate prices in the metropolises. This is a clear trend in the fast-growing segment of serviced apartments. Accordingly, the micro apartment offers are also increasing. According to Apartmentservice's Market Report 2018, Mikroapartments currently make up eight percent of the total German market in terms of units - twice as much as in 2017. "An end to the micro-flagpole is c... read more

Micro-Living - the market for micro-apartments is growing

06.09.2018 17:36
In Germany, more and more furnished mini-apartments are sold, which are hardly larger than a hotel room. Micro-Living Apartments are 20-25 square meters fully furnished lifestyle apartments, where every square meter is used optimally. This new type of temporary housing has long since expanded from the metropolises into booming middle-class cities. The modern apartments are considered one of the hottest trends in t... read more

Home decor on 22 sqm - sleeping comfort as a success factor

03.09.2018 16:23
Social changes and scarce housing have led to new creative forms of living, such as Micro Living as the main solution for temporary living. Residential culture oases are created here in the smallest of spaces, not only providing the mobile worker with a place to stay in which he "dwells" for a certain period of time, but also gives him recreation and a genuine sense of home. If we now imagine an apartment that has only 22 square meters,... read more

Invest in the haze of big cities

16.08.2018 14:10
Because the supply of housing in the top seven cities lags behind demand, the commuter flows from the surrounding areas into the centers are getting longer and longer. Developer and investor Quantum also sees bacon belts as "becoming more and more interesting" for institutional investors. In fact, according to Savills, the transaction volume is increasing. In the first six months of this year, investors bought apartm... read more

Trading in micro homes is growing strongly

30.07.2018 12:48
In the first half of this year, more than 1.6 billion euros have been invested in student dormitories and micro-apartment buildings built or planned in Germany. The brokerage house CBRE reports, according to which the value corresponds to a plus compared to the same period last year of 224%. By comparison, the number of flats sold and their living space has risen less sharply: About 8,800 u... read more

Micro-Living - market for micro-apartments is growing

29.07.2018 10:07
In Germany, more and more furnished mini apartments are sold. The prices are "salted" is claimed - but there is no shortage of demand. Why is that? Objects have been created for some time in all the major cities of the republic - but also in booming middle-class cities. Micro apartments are considered one of the hottest trends in the German real estate market. The mini apartments are often no bigger than a hotel room. Discussed are now the ren... read more

Cheap furniture or feel-good design?

28.07.2018 16:38
Two trends in the labor market have been massively changing our society for years. On the one hand, it is the high demands on workers in terms of flexibility and mobility that make them temporary nomads. Either they often have to move or commute between work and residence for a certain amount of time. On the other hand, because of the tangible shortage of skilled workers, employers are forced to off... read more

Small living - Augsburger Allgemeine - Third page

08.06.2018 11:04
Living Smaller Real Estate - In many areas of the region, living space is becoming scarce and more expensive. Are "micro-apartments" the answer? Or tiny houses with twelve square meters of space? What kind of unusual projects already exist ... by Sonja Krell Kaufering / Utting Peter Kerler went deep into the story of his project and explained how he came to what he calls his "brilliant id... read more

Sales start for Micro Living project in Kaufering near Landsberg

23.05.2018 15:16
Last week, the foundation stone was laid for the ambitious real estate project and micro-living concept in Kaufering near Landsberg am Lech. Now, 60 apartments have been launched. For this purpose, the project developer has mandated the advisors of eigenwert, a company of the Munich Bank, exclusively with the marketing. CEO Peter Kerler is sure that they will be met with great interest by th... read more foundet their Micro-Living-Projekt in Kaufering - Landsberg am Lech

18.05.2018 12:15 develops and builds 60 apartments directly at Kauferinger Bahnhof in the bacon belt of Munich and Augsburg. Yesterday, the foundation stone was laid for the ambitious project. At the laying of the foundation stone, numerous guests from politics and business came to celebrate the first progress together with and the general contractor Vilgertshofer. Guests of honor included Kauferi... read more

Foundation | Micro-Living | Kaufering | 17. Mai 2018

18.05.2018 11:59
Kaufering is currently building two buildings for 60 micro apartments. In the summer of next year, residents can move in. Yesterday the foundation stone was laid This market is growing almost unchecked worldwide: furnished small apartments. Especially companies, managers, commuters, students, trainees, singles and young adults are interested in it. They all seek affordable, furnished living... read more

An Investment with a Future

26.01.2018 12:48
Micro Living at the Kauferinger stationLocation Location Location Due to the increasingly demanded flexibility and mobility of today's working models, a new rapidly growing housing market with interesting investment opportunities has been developing for years: small, affordable and high-quality furnished residential units, so-called micro apartments. The decisive success fa... read more

Building Permit Issued

19.01.2018 16:33 Building permit for 60 Micro-Living Apartments develops and builds 60 apartments directly at the Kauferinger Bahnhof in the bacon belt of Munich and Augsburg. Now the project developer has received the building permit. "With just 35 minutes by train to Munich Central Station, the location is sensationally priced and location wise," says CEO Peter Kerler. The old town... read more

They have to get away ...

10.12.2017 16:30
They have to get away, and very fast Actually allotment gardens are particularly protected. But as was the case in Kaufering, tenants have to leave their parcels from one day to the next by Gerald Modlinger Micro-apartments instead of allotments: Within a few days, the allotment gardeners on Kauferinger Bahnhofstrasse have to vacate their plots of land in the middle of winter. Wi... read more

Tiny apartments in Kaufering

27.11.2017 10:16
The market town wants to create a building complex on the Bahnhofstrasse. It should have 60 apartments between 22 and 27 square Romi Löbhard Mikrowohnung - Trend of the future, and not just in big cities like Berlin, Hamburg or Frankfurt? It almost looks as if this type of housing would be flushed out into the countryside by ever higher rents in the city. In Kaufering, however, t... read more

Landsberger monthly newspaper

26.11.2017 16:26 developt 60 Micro-Living-Apartments Developer is developing 60 micro-living apartments in Kaufering near Landsberg am Lech, within commuting distance of the coveted cities of Munich and Augsburg, directly on the edge of the Fünf-Seen-Land. An investment that is out of line in the region or perhaps already playing a pioneering role and takes social change into account?... read more


23.11.2017 20:43
Kaufering builds micro homes - for little money? Kaufering - Housing shortage prevails in the market town. There seems to have talked about with potential investors and developers around. In the most recent market town council meeting, a developer presented a project that now seems to be well advanced. The "" plans to build 60 micro-apartments in Bahnhofstrasse on two L... read more

DEAL Magazin

29.09.2017 11:18
MICRO-LIVING: THE NEW STAR AT THE ASSET SKY The project developer develops 60 micro-living apartments in Kaufering near Landsberg am Lech, within commuter reach to the coveted cities like Munich and Augsburg and directly on the edge of the five-lake area. An investment that falls out of line in the region or is it perhaps already a pioneer? DEAL Magazine Chief editor B... read more

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